Accidental Chicken Redux

Required sentence apologizing for how long it’s been since my last post. But, heck, all winter the chickens were boring and unfriendly and didn’t lay any eggs. They didn’t look cute and the yard was fairly grungy looking.

But then, a hint of early spring (just a hint, and that hint was a lie) with more sun, flora started letting me pet her again.  Bowing down to let me pet her. She’s not cautiously waiting for some scary. Th

The…bum, bum bum bum….COVID 19!

I can’t show you myself in my chicken mask, but I can dab in my dabbing unicorn mask.

Even if I’d wanted to chicken blog (you decide based on my history), my brain space got filled up with the uncertainty of the effects of COVID19 on the pediatric population. At the beginning of what would eventually become shelter-at-home we were running around like chickens with their heads…. wait, no. not there. In the great unknown of whether we’d be flooded with patients, go through cycles of sick nurses and staff and doctors. Instead, we ended up with empty waiting rooms, separating well from sick checks, rooming folks before they even have a chance to sit in the waiting room or look at out *fantastic* coral-reef fish tank. 

So the start of the great readjustment. Partial days of working at work seeing live patients, partial days of trying to squeeze the most information out of a telemedicine encounter. (Imagine how happy I was when I could play peekaboo and clap with the babies on the other end of the computer screen. It’s not the same, but I’m getting my kid fix and doing my work!) Also, as a business owner, there’s the worry of keeping the practice in business through this unknown period of slow times.

And then it happened.

In the midst of a telemed/telemeeting day, an oh-so-healthy Wendy’s dinner, and way too much cable news, a neighbor came to the door. She asked if we had lost a little white chicken, because there was one wandering around. Reasonable question given that we do, in fact, still have two chickens and ‘Beware of Chickens’ signs on our fence. But, from the descriptionI knew it wasn’t ours, and I’m pretty sure I know whose it is.

So, I broke my shelter-at-home. Not for groceries, work, or pharmacy–but for chicken gettin’. I was needed to save that chicken! I did, of course, mask up first!!!

He fortunately wasn’t in the hardest bird to snag. He wasn’t far from where I think he lives. I went and scooped it up and he let me cradle and pet him. But I can’t contact the keepers, so ours for the night (at least). I think it’s a little bantam rooster. If it’s the chicken I think it is, he’s a noisy little so-and-so.

So there’s the quick update! More adventures of little Coqvid or QuarantHen to come as we try to reintroduce it to its owners.

Stay safe everyone.

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